NFC : Reading a MiFare Classic 1K from Android Devices
Ever since Near Field Communication was embedded on mobile phones, loads of new ideas and business proposals made people very busy. So does the Android platform with its API's supporting NFC. Nexus S looks like a state of the art - good starting point if one wants to get past the monotonic Nokia's piece of the cake. I just want to share with you my experience on reading a MiFare Classic tag using the Nexus S..and the Android platform. You need to have : A MiFare Classic 1k Tag - ( hopefully you know the keys for its Blocks :=) ) Android SDK and IDE Preferable a Nexus S (Make sure if the Android version is 2.3.3 and above). Some Basics about the card: MiFare classic cards store data in its Sectors. In MiFare classic 1k card there are 16 of them. Each Sector contains 4 blocks. You can store 16 bytes in each block. Making about 1024 bytes of storage space..that explains the 1K part of the card. You can perform common tasks like reading, writing data on these blocks, authen...