- Java - Basic ProgrammingJava - Data Type
Java - Loops, Arrays and logical conditions- Java - Number to Text Conversion
- Java - String To Number Conversion
- Java - Union of Two Arrays
- Java - Intersection of Two Arrays
- Java - Find Unique Elements for an Array
- Java - Switch case example for arithmetic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Java - Read Number and Check ODD or EVEN
- Java - Difference Between for, while and do while loop
- Java - Use of break and continue statement
- Java Loops - Diamond Star pattern using For Loops
- Java Loops - Left and Right Aligned pattern using For Loops
- Java - Palindrome of a string
- Java - Guess the Number in 5 attempts
- Java - Guess the Secret Word
- Java - Building a pattern of numbers and stars
- Java - Building a pyramid of stars
Java - Programs for Basic Calculations- Java - Simple Student Mark List Preparation
- Java - Simple Student Grading Logic
- Java - Fibonacci Series
- Java - Finding Armstrong Numbers
- Java - Kaprekar Transformation 3 Digit Number ends with 495
- Java - Pascal Triangle
- Java - converting to lower and upper case
- Java - Static Variable to Count the function calls
- Java - Palindrome of a Number
- Java - Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter
- Java - Printing ASCII Characters
- Java - Display the numbers containing the digit '5' in between 100 to 200
- Java - Checking Leap Year
- Java - Add Two Numbers
- Java - Read and Display string
- Java - Reversing a String
- Java - Factorial of a number using Recursion
- Java - Factorial of a number with out using Recursion
- Java - Rotating a String
- Java - Rotating the digits of a number
- Java - Reversing the bits of number
- Java - Decimal to Binary Conversion
- Java - Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Java - Calculate Mean
- Java - Calculate Mode
- Java - Calculate Median
Data Structures and Algorithms- Java - Reverse Singly Linked List
- Java - Singly Linked Circular List
- Java - Doubly Linked List
- Java - Singly Linked List
- Java - Simple Student Mark List Preparation
- Java - Permutation Algorithm
- Java - Tower Of Hanoi Algorithm
- Java - Find SQRT by using Algorithm
- Java - Find SQRT by using Approximation (Guess) Method
- Java - MergeSort Recursive Algorithm
- Java - MergeSort Iterative Algorithm
- Java - QuickSort Recursive Algorithm
- Java - QuickSort Iterative Algorithm
- Java - Rotating the digits of a number
- Java - Reversing the bits of number
- Java - Reversing a String
- Java - Rotating a String
- Java - Decimal to Binary Conversion
- Java - Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Java - Bubble Sort
- Java - Insertion Sort
- Java - Rail Road Car Rearrangement
Math Programming - Algebra and Geometry- Java - Infix to Postfix Converter
- Java - Calculate Mean
- Java - Calculate Mode
- Java - Calculate Median
Object Oriented Programming