C Programming Tutorial
Turbo C - Data Types
- Turbo C - Struct
- Turbo C - Struct and Union
- Turbo C - Enumertions
- Turbo C - double array initialization and counting the number of elements
- Turbo C - string array initialization
- Turbo C - Retriving string array from a function
- Turbo C - const and non const string variable
- Turbo C - Switch Case statement
- Turbo C - Static Global Variables
- Turbo C - Static Variables
- Turbo C - Static Functions
- Turbo C - #define macro
Turbo C - Loops and logical conditions
- Turbo C - Finding Armstrong Numbers
- Turbo C - Fibonacci Series
- Turbo C - Loops - Display Numbers using for, while and do while loop
- Turbo C - Loops - Creating Pyramid
- Turbo C - Loops - Read Numbers and check ODD or EVEN
- Turbo C - Loops - Difference Between for, while and do while loop
- Turbo C - Loops - Reverse String
- Turbo C - Loops - Build Pattern of * and numbers
- Turbo C Program for Number to Text Conversion
- Turbo C - String To Number Conversion
- Turbo C - Diamond Star pattern using For Loops
- Turbo C - Left and Right Aligned pattern using For Loops
- Turbo C - Guess the Number in 5 attempts
- Turbo C - Guess the Secret Word
- Turbo C - Use of break and continue statement
- Turbo C - Switch Case Example for Simple Arithmetic Operations
- Turbo C - Scroll Text Using gotoxy and printf
Turbo C - Programs for Basic Calculations
- Turbo C - Simple Student Mark List Preparation
- Turbo C - Kaprekar Transformation 3 Digit Number ends with 495
- Turbo C - Pascal Triangle
- Turbo C - converting to lower and upper case
- Turbo C - Printing Characters on the Screen using getch and putch
- Turbo C - Static Variable to Count the function calls
- Turbo C - Palindrome of a Number
- Turbo C - Program to Count no. of Characters, Words and Lines
- Turbo C - Fahrenheit Celsius Conversion
- Turbo C - Printing ASCII Characters
- Turbo C - Display the numbers containing the digit '5' in between 100 to 200
Turbo C - Algebra and Geometry
- Turbo C - Sum of 0 - N numbers = n * (n + 1) / 2
- Turbo C - Sum of All Numbers given the range
- Turbo C - Sum of Even Numbers given the range
- Turbo C - Sum of Odd Numbers given the range
- Turbo C - Distance between the two points
- Turbo C - Equation of a line
- Turbo C - Slope of a line
- Turbo C - Check the point lies on the line (projected either direction)
- Turbo C - Check the point lies on the line segment
- Turbo C - Intersecting point of two lines given endpoints
- Turbo C - Intersecting point of two lines given line equation
- Turbo C - Intersection of Two Line Segments
- Turbo C - Check whether a point is inside or outside the Circle
- Turbo C - Check whether a point is inside or outside the Triangle
- Turbo C - Find Area and Perimeter of a Triangle Given 3 points
- Turbo C - Find Acute, Obtuse or Right Angle Triangle Given 3 points
- Turbo C - Check the number is a Perfect Square
- Turbo C - Check and Print Prime Numbers
- Turbo C - Prime Factor of a given number
- Turbo C - Calculate Mean
- Turbo C - Calculate Median
- Turbo C - Calculate Mode
- Turbo C - Calculate Range
- Turbo C - Calculate Variance
- Turbo C - Calculate Standard Deviation
- Turbo C - Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Turbo C - Using Sine Series to find SIN Value
- Turbo C - Using Cosine Series to find COS Value
- Turbo C - Using Sine / Cosine Series to find TAN Value
- Turbo C - Quadratic Equation Solver - ax2+bx+c=0
- Turbo C - Using Exponent Series and Eulers Number 2.71828 to find EXP Value
Turbo C - Data Structures and Algorithms
- Turbo C - Permutation Algorithm
- Turbo C - Tower Of Hanoi Algorithm
- Turbo C - Queue with Regular Sorting
- Turbo C - Sample Stack Implementation
- Turbo C - InFix to PostFix Conversion
- Turbo C - Employee Master File Creation with FILE*
- Turbo C - Displaying Yearly Calendar Given Year and First Day of Year
- Turbo C - Displaying Monthly Calendar Given any Date from year 1900
- Turbo C - Convert Numbers to Text
- Turbo C - Bubble Sort
- Turbo C - Insertion Sort
- Turbo C - Decimal to Binary Conversion
- Turbo C - Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Turbo C - Factorial of a number using Recursion
- Turbo C - Factorial of a number with out using Recursion
- Turbo C - Program to find Square Root - Approximation Method
- Turbo C - Program to find Square Root - Algorithm Method
- Turbo C - Reading Function Keys (F1, F2, F3, ...) with bioskey
- Turbo C - Checking Leap Year
- Turbo C - Time Span Counting the number of days between two days
- Turbo C - Simple Student Grading Logic
- Turbo C - srand, rand and randomize functions for generating random numbers
- Turbo C - kbhit, getch and putch functions
Turbo C Graphics and TSR Programming
- Turbo C Graphics - Starting with Graphics
- Turbo C Graphics - BGI Error: Graphics not initialized (use 'initgraph')
- Turbo C Graphics - Linker Error: Undefined symbol _initgraph in module
- Turbo C Graphics - Using Circle and setcolor, setbkcolor functions
- Turbo C Graphics - Using bar and setfillstyle functions
- Turbo C Graphics - Using line and setlinestyle functions
- Turbo C Graphics - Crystal Drawing and Rotating Animation
- Turbo C Graphics - Blink Characters and Words
- Turbo C Graphics - Drawing Circles with Pixels
- Turbo C Graphics - Move Object using getimage and putimage
- Turbo C Graphics - Plot Sin Cos and Tan Series
- Turbo C Graphics - Menu Design using Graphics
- Turbo C - Terminate Stay Resident (TSR) Clock Display Timer
- Turbo C - Terminate Stay Resident (TSR) - Scrolling Text
- Turbo C Graphics - Move Objects using cursor keys - Left,Right,Up,Down Arrow Keys