For Widget Creation Follow the Bellow Steps: 1.Create New Project. 2.Create One Folder in res as res/xml . 3.Create One .xml file as AppWidgetProvider in xml folder like res/xml/widgmail.xml 4.Create one .java file in src/ with Extention of AppWidgetProvider. 5.Open manifest file Add some code as follows. Step 1: Now , We Create One project as follows. Project Name : Widget For Gmail. ApplicationName :WidgetForGmail. Package Name : Acticity : WidgetForGmailActivity. miniSDK Vertion : 8 Step 2 : Create one Folder named as xml in res/ Step 3: Create one xml file in xml folder as AppWidgetProvider named as widgmail.xml as follows Then Click On thi Finish Button, and the write the following code in widgmail.xml file res/xml/widgmail....